What People Want
At the Newtown Food Festival the River Severn Custodians had a stall on Sunday, 7th September, 2014 and again on 4th September. 2016. Here's what we asked and the responses.
Tell us how you feel about the River Severn in Newtown. Do you use it – walking, dog walking, running, canoeing, playing, swimming, watching wildlife or simply listening to the flowing water? How could it be a better facility for Newtown? What would you like changed?
We have listed some ideas below. Tick any that you would like to see developed, put a No if you don’t like the idea. If you have a different idea, or want to write your own comments, use the next sheet.
2014 RESULTS. 36 people responded. Walking trails and wildlife enhancement were the most popular ideas, while swimming areas and a café were less popular. More bike trails were on some people's wish list but others are opposed to them.
Wildlife areas |
Wildflower meadows |
Walking trails |
Bike paths |
Seating areas |
Safe swimming area |
More rubbish bins |
Riverside café |
30 |
31 |
27 |
27 |
16 |
22 |
19 |
Number Of Negative Responses |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
1 |
7 |
2 |
Additional suggestions added by some of the respondents were:
Canoe, kayak, jetty – safe access above weir near bridge at Dolerw Park and egress opposite PO at Gravel car park.
More litter picking. Need to involve young people (eg schools) for this and wildlife education.
Engagement with natural involvement with natural involvement through activities – walking, cycling and habitat improvement. Suggest making driving more difficult.
Fishing lessons and fly tying.
Promote deeper engagement with natural heritage. Arts – sculpture trails. Crafts – willow, coppice craft, wool dyeing and weaving, coracles. Sports – running cycling fishing canoeing. History and heritage – wool industry, clog making. Nature – interpretation, walks talks play.
2016 RESULTS. 23 people responded. Walking trails and wildlife enhancement were the most popular ideas, followed by walking trails, seating areas and rubbish bins. A riverside café was on some people's wish list but others are opposed to it.
Wildlife areas |
Wildflower meadows |
Walking trails |
Bike paths |
Seating areas |
Safe swimming area |
More rubbish bins |
Riverside café |
19 |
18 |
17 |
10 |
17 |
10 |
17 |
8 |
Number Of Negative Responses |
4 |
Additional suggestions added by some of the respondents were:
2 people specifically suggested dog poo bins are needed.
One people said anything that encourages people near the river should be discouraged.
One person suggested that the lifesaving equipment needs to be replaced.
Results combined as a percentage of total respondents.
59 people responded.
Wildlife areas | Wildflower meadows |
Walking trails |
Bike paths |
Seating areas |
Safe swimming area |
More rubbish bins |
Riverside café |
83 |
81 |
81 |
63 |
75 |
44 |
66 |
46 |
Number Of Negative Responses |
9 | 2 | 12 |
10 |