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RSC Projects

The main projects tackled to date are listed below. Click on the links for more details.


Over the years the Custodians have given more than 10 presentation to various local bodies including schools, U3As, WIs, etc. This information sharing has resulted in better awareness of the river and the action taken by the Custodians to protect and improve it.

Newtown Food Festival

The Custodians have taken a stand at the annual Food Festival every year since 2013 until now. The 2020 Festival was cancelled. At the Festivals we have publicised our work and encouraged people to better understand the river and enjoyed it responsibly.

River Severn Custodians Stall at Love Your Magnificent Severn

On 2nd June, 2016, from 11 am to 4 pm at Dolerw Park, Newtown, the RSC was at the river with a stall, coracles and boats. This was part of a larger event along the whole length of the Severn from its source to Gloucester organised by the Shropshire Wildlife Trust.

River Severn Custodians Stall at Community Events

The RSC manned a stall at the 2013 and 2014 Carnivals and Food Festivals to get locals engaged with their river and our work on it. They were very well attended, especially the Food Festival. As a result, we have had a stall on Sundays at the Food Festival every year and this year we will be there again.

Bird Survey

River Severn Custodian members have an ongoing survey of the birds spotted along the river. Click above for the result

What People Want

At the 2014 Food Festival we asked people what they would like to see on the river. How could it be improved. What amenities would improve our river experience. Click above for the results.

River Use Survey

We wanted to know who uses the riverside, so we conducted surveys to find out.

Wildlife Habitat Improvement

One of the aims of the RSC is to enhance the wildlife along the river, and enjoyment of it by the locals and visitors in Newtown. Our first project was the establishment of bird and bat boxes in Dolerw Park.

Scientific survey of the river

RSC has carried out a series of surveys of the river in which teams walk or canoe sections recording the flora, fauna, river flow and features. These surveys have been incorporated into a data base that will help future monitoring of the health of the river and ensuring accessibility for visitors and local people. We have also mapped the river bank edges whereever we can access it so we have a baseline for changes in the course of the river over time (see map of bank edges in 2016).

Invasive species

There are three main species of invasive plants creating havoc in Britain. They are Giant Hogweed, Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam. For more information on these, click the link on the left menu. To see what we are doing about them, click on the link above.

River clean ups

The RSC members frequently engage in cleaning up the river and its banks.